Friday 4 November 2011

Opening Scene Script - First Draft

It is a grey, cloudy November morning, and a boy of about 16 walks along a pavement to school.

The first shot is a Tracking Over the Shoulder shot of the him walking into school, turning his head slightly to the side, a cloud of condensation is released as he exhales.

A panning long shot is then taken from his side, showing him walking slowly along the pavement.

He stops walking (and from infront of him) a Panning medium shot is taken that pans from his feet upwards, to the vacant, zombie-like expression on his face.

There is then a cut away to a phone that he pulls out of his pocket, then angrily shoves back in.

We then return to the medium shot and he walks out of the shot.

The boy then stands in the middle of a crowded area, surrounded by people (wide extreme long shot). The crowd around him move quickly (sped up to fast motion in editing) while the boy just stands perfectly still and blinking, unaffected by everything around him.

The next shot is a medium long shot of the boy sat at a full lunch table. The occupants of every other seat chat animatedly to eachother (some even talking to eachother through him, as if he wasnt even really there), yet he stares down expressionless at the table.

There is then a long shot of him walking down a dimly lit hallway. He stares out of a window as if he has seen a ghost from his past. The camera then cuts to what he is looking at, a long shot of a girl outside, talking and laughing with friends. At this point, the boy pulls his phone out of his pocket, and  there is a close up of his phone as he looks at a text message that simply reads 'Im sorry, but i just cant anymore. its not u, its me x'.

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