Wednesday 23 November 2011

Character Interview Part 2 - Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl

As I sip my margarita at the bar located in the lobby of the Empire Hotel in the Upper East Side of New York, I can smell him before I see him. I am surrounded by the smell of Dior Homme before I see a hand extended towards me along with the infamous words 'I'm Chuck Bass'. I look up to see the 20-something year old man who owns the very hotel we sit in, with the kind of chiseled bone structure usually reserved for cologne adverts and an estimated fortune of $1.1 billion. He wears an impeccably tailored (presumably Italian) navy suit, pinstripe shirt and grey silk cravat, and has his chestnut-hued hair perfectly groomed. 'Manipulative, deceptive, arrogant, greedy and shallow.' are all words that have been used to describe Bass in the past, but I sat down with him to get the truth straight from the billionaire's mouth.

So, Mr. Bass, what would you say your likes and dislikes are?

Chuck: Please, call me Chuck. I like what any gentleman or entrepreneur would like, appropriately aged liquor, the company of several uninhibited young ladies and a well-tailored suit, of course. I wouldn't say there is much I do dislike. I always say we should be open to everything and anything.

What is your definition of a good time?

Chuck: A gentleman never tells.

 How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Chuck: Handsome, debonair, charming… Should I go on?

How do you think your friends would describe you?

Chuck: Much of the same, I expect.

It seems you've never met an ascot or bow tie you didn't like. Who or what inspires your sense of style?

I inspire people. Not vice versa.

You’ve been quoted as saying ‘there isn’t a problem that money can’t fix’. How do you handle criticisms that you are too materialistic?

Chuck: I don’t have to handle anything. I'm Chuck Bass.

But your social circle has shut you out because of the ways you have manipulated them in the past. If money cant solve that problem, how will you deal with this isolation?

Chuck: (he clears his throat) No comment.

Recently, a certified therapist said you are so emotionally unstable that you 'pay for intimacy so you have all of the control’; do you see that as a fair assessment?

Chuck: That’s a private matter and will remain as such.

Chuck Bass and Blair WaldorfIn a recent interview Blair Waldorf had this to say: "Chuck Bass is the one obsessed with me, not the other way around." Discuss.
Chuck: No

It is widely thought that the reason Blair ended your 2-year relationship was due to your reluctance to let her in emotionally. However, you were seen buying her an engagement ring a matter of days before she ended it. Would you care to elaborate?

Chuck: Next question.

Is reuniting with Blair one of your plans for the future?

Chuck: A man of action does not plan, he conquers.

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