Wednesday 2 November 2011

Examples of how filmakers have interpretted our theme (loss) in their own films - Part 3

The thing I think the filmmaker was aiming most for in his interpretation of loss is the feeling of emptiness, as well as probably trying to stay quite close the way this scene was originally described in the book (quite simply as blank pages with the different months printed at the top).  In my opinion, Kristen Stewart had some real competition to be the star of this scene when up against the great camera and editing work used. The way in which she sits perfectly still – almost comatose, as if in shock – while the camera tracks around her head as nothing about her changes but the seasons do, gives the audience the immediate feeling of empathy, as they can quite clearly see that she is unable to move on, making the camera/editing a bit symbolic in a way. i also like how apt the music is, with its eery toneit perfectly reflects the vibe of the scene.

It would be unrealistic to aim this high for our project because, let’s face it, we do nt have a huge Hollywood budget to do all those camera and editing tricks. However, I do think one thing we could take away from this scene is that the atmosphere created could really make or break it in terms of how the audience reacts.

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