Sunday 27 November 2011

Primary Audience Profile

Primary Audience

· Female

· Any ethnicity, as long as they speak English

· Aged around 15 – 22

· Typically would have experienced a break-up or some form of rejection.

· These girls would possibly see our film because the central idea is that our male protagonist is very emotional (as he spends most of our film depressed) which is quite different from the male main characters in most other films. This would also provide our film with a unique selling point. Also, even though the movie does end up veering more towards psychological thriller than drama towards the end, it is a more ‘female friendly’ thriller than some others in the genre because it is more about emotion than just raw violence.

Secondary Audience

· Male

· Any ethnicity, as long as they speak English

· Aged around 15 – 22

· This audience would go and see our media product because they could relate to our main character, as they could have experienced similar feeling themselves, so would be able to put themselves in his shoes.

We chose this target audience group because we feel there haven't really been many films made of this type specifically for this audience.

We feel that this audience would be attracted to our media product because most films aimed towards young people either set out to teach the viewer a life lesson, or to give them hope with a happy ending. Our film does neither, instead showing how the intensity of young love can turn bad. As a result, our film is much darker then the typical teen drama as to be a truer representation of how our character would feel.

On the poster, we would have quite dark and intense colours (such as black, grey, blue) to reflect the intense mood of the character and of the film overall. We could have the silhouette of the character by himself with maybe a blank background (kind of playing on the idea of the character being a shadow of his former self as well as showing his isolation)

In the last 6 months our audience may have seen:

- Fatal Attraction, as it follows a similar murderous-suicidal ending to our film.

- Twilight Saga: New Moon, as the entire film is about the isolated after-mathe of the break up of Edward and Bella, and she goes through a depression similar to our character's. Also there is a point where he tries to commit suicide because he thinks she has, so it is based around an extremly intense/ bordering on unhealthy teenage relationship, much like our film.

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