Wednesday 2 November 2011

Examples of how filmakers have interpretted our theme (loss) in their own films - Part 2

I am really inspired by the way in which the filmmaker has interpreted loss in this short film. Rather than going the obvious route by merely showing the sadness of loss in relation to the main character, the filmmaker has chosen to include cut-away shots of random inanimate objects. This makes the audience feel almost as if the character's surroundings have taken on a life of their own and are now a manifestation of the character’s feelings, feeding off of the occupants vibes. This use of both external and internal representations of the emotion really reiterate to the audience just what a significant loss this person has experienced. However, at the same time this has also shown me an example of over-use of these kinds of shots. It starts to feel a bit like you're seeing more shots of furnishings than you are of the actual main character of the plot, so that is something i will take into consideration during our group task. I also really like the repetitive nature of the film, which i guess would kind of reflect the character feeling his life is mundane without that something/someone he no longer has. Most of all (although it isn't something we can really include since our task is an opening scene and so should still have some remaining ambiguity at the end of it), i really loved the penultimate shot of the plug being pulled out and water trickling down the drain, as it is kind of symbolic of letting go and ending/resolving the problem (which both contrasts and compliments the characters attempt at 'letting go' - by overdosing on pills - which while it may be an escape, isn't exactly going to help him get over the loss).

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