Tuesday 25 October 2011

News-inluenced Movie Ideas - Part 1

The birth of identical twin girls would be a joyous occasion in any family. And naming these little miracles is something many parents would think painstakingly about. But, for these new parents, the decision was clear. The girls would be named Thing 1 and Thing 2 like the mischievous twin creatures in The Cat In The Hat. Many relatives begged them to reconsider, for the children’s sake, but the parents refused. As a result social services were ultimately called and the children removed on the grounds that choosing such names was a form of cruelty in itself. The twins were eventually returned to their parents on their 10th birthday, but the care home they were in had definitely taken its toll on them psychologically, especially after the tragic fire that had killed all inside. All but the twins. So when they manage to get their hands on lighter fluid and a box of matches you better believe they're capable of levels of mischief their namesakes could only dream of.


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