Monday 17 October 2011

How to make an interesting blog

From the above video, i have learnt that to make a good, interesting blog, it is helpful to try to make it reflect your personality. Things like including a personal anecdote can kind of endear you to potential readers, making them feel that they have an incite to you as a person and not as just a faceless voice through a screen. Also, i did learn some tips that could be quite useful for specific posts (especially for the main task we're about to start), such as making posts interactive by including things such as polls, or putting things in lists so people feel they are getting information in bite-sized chunks.

This video didn't exactly teach me anything, so much as it made me think a bit more in-depth about some of the more obvious things you would consider while blogging. For example, it really emphasises the importance of having your target audience in mind while writing, which can really set an excellent blog apart from an average one.

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